Territory of sovereign nation and the spiritual threshold
South Korea has conducted a marine survey within Japan’s exclusive economic zone(hereinafter called EEZ) around Takeshima was reported in the news.
The Japanese government’s response was “strongly” protest only. From South Korea’s point of view, it is commonplace reaction to ignore the protests of Japan that they hate.
If another country continues illegal occupation of a sovereign nation’s territory and is conducting a marine survey, then strong sanctions should be applied as a sovereign nation.
As it stands now, South Korea will not stop to adopt anti-Japanese policies and attitudes toward Japan.
Since hatred of neighbors is nothing special, we think it is time to officially announce that Japan is considering sanctions that are close to break-off of diplomatic relations with South Korea.
We do not know the interpretation of history within South Korea, but South Korea is not a victorious country.
And if South Korea claims it as their own territory despite the existence of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, South Korea should dispute it in the International Court of Justice fairly and squarely. Isn’t it because South Korea knows that its claims are unreasonable that it has not responded to Japan’s request to dispute the issue in the International Court of Justice ?
It is unbelievable that no sanctions of any kind are imposed because a new president has been elected in South Korea who insists on improving relations between Japan and South Korea. In fact, the South Korean government conducted a marine survey around Takeshima at the timing of the new president’s inauguration.
In Japan, a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of the Liberal Democratic Party(hereinafter called LDP) of Japan as a governing political party was held. At that meeting, the opinion was expressed that “countermeasures” should be taken, but no countermeasures have been taken. They’ve got us dancing in the palm of their hand.
South Korea is escalating the following state-sponsored anti-Japanese policies. Why do the Japanese government and the LDP of Japan as a governing political party only protest verbally ?
- Radar Irradiation Incident against a Maritime Self-Defense Force(hereinafter called SDF) Patrol Aircraft
- Continuous insults to the Japanese military flag (the rising sun flag)
In recent years, they started insulting the Rising Sun flag as part of their anti-Japanese policies.
South Korea has never insulted a well-known anti-LDP of Japan newspaper that has a company flag resembling the rising sun. - Unusual court decision over the ex-wartime laborer’ lawsuit.
- Opposition to the World Cultural Heritage status of the gold mine on Sado Island

If the Japanese government and the LDP of Japan as a governing political party is arguing that Takeshima is Japan’s territory, strong sanctions should be applied.
If sanctions are not applied simply because South Korea is a neighboring country, Korea continues to act venomously toward Japan.
While strong sanctions are imposed on Russia which has violated the sovereignty of Ukraine even though it is a neighboring country, there is clearly a double standard in not imposing sanctions on South Korea which has been violating Japan’s sovereignty for many years.
Isn’t now the time to consider strong sanctions including break-off of diplomatic relations, against South Korea for its long-standing acting venomously toward Japan ?
In response to sanctions against South Korea, if the U.S. demands that Japan improve relations with South Korea even though the U.S. is taking the position of non-intervention in territorial issues, the U.S. should explain the meaning and effectiveness of the “San Francisco Peace Treaty. Furthermore, Japan should request that the U.S. does recommend South Korea should settle the dispute fairly and squarely in the International Court of Justice.
A neighbor who squats the other’s land will never be a true friend. The Japanese government should take an action with the understanding that this is not an issue to be carried over to the next generation.
On a Japanese program over the weekend, a commentator said that President Biden’s visit to South Korea before Japan was a message that should be improvement relations between Japan and South Korea. People have their own way of thinking, and it is no surprise that there are comments like this.
We would like to hear from people who think like this about “Takeshima’s territorial rights and the current situation of Takeshima” and “South Korea’s state-sponsored anti-Japanese policies”.
Reference : Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan – Takeshima (2022/07/09)