Politics and Sports Separate ? Politics and peace should be separated.

Russia invaded Ukraine.

In Japan, some TV commentators and celebrities have commented that the Russian invasion was also caused by the Ukrainian side. There are also people who confidently say that because Japan has Article 9 of the Constitution, it cannot invade neighboring countries nor can it be advanced by neighboring countries.
Of course, it is natural that there are people with many different ways of thinking.
While this is only our opinion, these comments are far from our way of thinking, and we do not understand them.

In the sporting world, there are many competitions in which Russian athletes are not allowed to participate.
So often we hear people say that ”Don’t bring politics into sports. “

Is this really the right way to think about it ?

Would you think that Ukrainian athletes, whose relatives and acquaintances were killed, would be able to enjoy sports in the same place as Russian athletes ?
Also, is it strange that Russian athletes enjoy sports while Ukrainian athletes are on the battlefield as soldiers defending their country?

Politics and peace is what should be separate.

We believe this word would be truer. Sports, the arts, people-to-people exchanges, and economic ties should all be based on peace.

Do people who criticize this decision by the sports community, saying that “politics and sports are separate”, agree with the following?

  • Politics and invasion can be a combined issue.
  • If a country disagrees politically, it is acceptable to slaughter the people of the other country by military war.
  • It is acceptable that a militarily superior country can kill the citizens, family, and acquaintances, If a country does not do as a militarily superior country say.

Even if a party has different political opinions, a party should never have the right to kill the other party.

A country that unilaterally destroys peace through political disagreements need to be excluded from sports, arts, people-to-people exchanges, and economic ties that are based on peace.
Even if the war were to end, the people killed would never come back to life.

The barbaric wars should be stopped immediately.
Political disagreements should be confined to verbal and economic retaliation.

It is important to understand that many Russian citizens also oppose the war.

2022/06/ 28