LGBT discussion/debate: Biological Sex and Gender
The first thing we need to understand is that some people really struggle with LGBT and go to the hospital and eventually have surgery.
This is why we need to be aware that LGBT is a serious issue that should not criticize or denied.
We also believe that LBGT is an issue that should be discussed seriously.
However, we feel very uncomfortable with the current LGBT discussion because it is too extreme argument and too hasty.
And that includes allowing judicial decisions to persecute the rights of many citizens.
The uncomfortable thing is that the discussion is treating biological sex and gender as the same category.
Shouldn’t biological sex and gender be treated separately ?
In a debate about LGBT, when the LGBT advocate said, “Anyone who identifies oneself as a woman can be a woman,” the debate opponent asked, “Can I be a woman, too?” he confirmed. The LGBT advocate then asked, “Do you have gender identity disorder ? If not, you can’t”.
This conversation led us to consider the following two points.
The first is “gender identity disorder (GID)”. The DAIJIRIN(one of Japanese language dictionaries) explains “identity” as “to be the same, to be equal, or to have no difference. In other words, the word “identity” is used for multiple things. In this case, it can be understood as a disorder in which “biological sex” and “something” do not match. And “something” can understand to indicate gender.
The website of JSPOG(Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology) also states, “It is a disorder in which the sex of one’s body (biological sex) and the sex of one’s mind (how one feel one’s own sex) do not match.
Second, the LGBT advocate said that anyone who identifies as a woman can be a woman, but only if they have gender identity disorder.
In that case, the debate opponent asked, “How do we understand, just by looking from the outside, that this person has gender identity disorder ?” , but the LGBT advocate told a different story and did not answer this question. This makes it seem like the LGBT advocates are imposing their own ideas without a clear and theoretical answer.
In other words, that it is possible to use women’s rights if someone says I am a woman, depending on their feelings. Isn’t this very dangerous?
There are several rights granted to biological women. Typical things are restrooms, bathrooms, changing rooms, sports, etc.
The current discussion, especially in court judgments including the Supreme Court, is that the decision ruled that “a person who identifies themselves as a woman is a woman, even if their appearance has not changed (even without surgery).”
Why do they mix up biological sex and gender and recommend to allow those who say they are women to be given the same rights as biological women ?
Will the judiciary allow biological boy students to change clothes in the women’s changing room if they say that my mind is a girl when changing clothes for swimming and physical education in middle and high school classes?
Will the judiciary allow a biological man to enter a women’s bathroom in a hot spring or public bath if he says that my mind is a woman ?
Will the judiciary allow biological men to participate in a women’s fighting sport if biological men athlete says my mind is a women ? ( Will the judiciary accept that deaths are also a sport?)
Will the judiciary allow a biological man athlete to participate in any other women’s sporting event if he says my mind is a woman ? ( there will be one competition record after another)
Is this true? Are we really sure about this ?
Isn’t this persecuting a large number of biological women by treating LGBT as biological women ?
We think it would be better to encourage society to give new rights for LGBT, especially for those who say they are women. (We think separate discussion needs to be given to LGBT people who have had surgery.)
We believe that it is necessary to have a discussion to establish at least 3 categories.
- Biological sex – sports, etc.
- Surgery to change the gender of the person’s appearance – bathrooms, restrooms, changing rooms, etc.
- Gender identity disorder – normal social life (not affected by biological sex)
However, in the bathrooms, etc., it may be possible to provide for biological females, biological males, and LBGT (may need to be classified in detail).
Of course, in cases that do not affect biological sex (e.g., in the workplace), women, men, etc. should be treated as gendered.
Reference: NHK WORKD – Japan (2024/02/11)
Reference: Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology (2024/02/10 – Japanese)